Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Volcanic Hazards


Tephra: Air borne materials that if they are hot enough they could clump together to form pyroclastic material or tuffs.

Effects: -Covers crops and plants and cause them to die
-Stays in the stratosphere for some time and can    stop air traffic
- Large amounts of it can fall onto building, causing the building to collapse under it immense weight

Lahar: A rushing flow of volcanic ash mixed with water, lahar’s are common in snow or glacier capped mountains.
They are very desne and move extremely quickly

-It’s speed and weight can destroy buildings and other objects
-Humans can get swept away or drown
-Riverbanks will overflow and crops by riverbanks will be destroyed

Lava bombs: Smooth, glassy blobs of basaltic lava which cool as they fly through the air, they come in many shapes and sizes, some even as big as boulders

-Could crash into building an damage them severely
-May hit people and cause serious injury or death

Pyroclastic flow: Extremely hot gases, ash and rock that move down the volcano and lighting speed. The boulders that follow the pyroclastic flows have highly destructive force and can flatten objects.

-The superheated pyroclastic flow can kill people and wildlife in its path
-The boulders that follow can flatten trees, destroy buildings and pose a risk to human life.

Lava flow: A flowing river of molten rock known as lava, lava can be divided into two categories basaltic and acidic, basaltic lava is usually found in gentle eruptions while the latter is found in explosive eruptions.

-       The molten lava can start fires in trees, houses and buildings.
-       The fires poses a threat to human life

Landslides: A large amount of dirt, soil and debris movement under the force of gravity, in volcanic landslides, they can move very fast and sizes vary from small to enormous.

-Can flatten trees, buildings or any other object in their path
-Humans and wildlife are usually killed in the path of a volcanic landslide.

Volcanic ash: Old lava and rock that are pulverized by violent eruptions, it are a jagged and glassy feel and look and can travel for miles on end

-Airborne volcanic ash can stop air travel due to bad visibility
-Large amount of it can collapse a building due to the immense weight.
- Can cover vast areas of cars, buildings, objects, crops with volcanic ash that cause damage and loss

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