Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Disaster Response Curve

Each stage represents either prevention, protection and preparation as described below. The timeline above shows the different stages of time where either relief, rehabilitation or reconstruction is commenced. The words on the left of the the graph, show the quality of life, economically, socially and environmentally and corresponds to the stage and time of the incident .

Stage 1: In this stage, the quality of life is normla before disaster strikes, people try their best to prevent and prepare if such events should happen by either educating the public on how to act when disaster strikes, prepare supplies, putting medical teams on standby etc.

Stage 2: This stage happens when the event happens, immediately the quality of life sheerly drops, and people use protection and prevention methods such as putting barricades, evacuating people, building trenches to stop water, lava etc.

Stage 3: After the incident has occurred, this is the period of time followed with stage 2 called relief where medical attention, rescue services and overall care is given out, This period in time can last from days to weeks. The quality of life has seemingly stopped decreasing and beginning to slowly move up.

Stage 4/5: This stage is called the rehabilitation stage, where people try to return the state of things back to normal, by providing food, water and shelter for those who are derived from those basic needs. Stage 5 moves to the reconstruction period where infrastructure, crops and property are reconstructed or regrown. During this stage people use preparation and prevention to improve from the mistakes of this disaster to respond better to the next one.

Further stages: In future stages, people will use preparation or prevention to either return to the state before the disaster struck or improve themselves even further and do much better coping with any other future disasters.

1 comment:

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