Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sichuan Earthquake Case Study (LEDC)


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Success Criteria (27/2/12) Scales to measure earthquakes

Success Criteria

I can compare/contrast the scales of measuring earthquakes
I can tackle exam question based on the scales of measuring earthquakes

Mercalli v.s Richter Scale

Mercalli Scale
Richter Scale
Qualitative Evidence
Quantitative Evidence
Based on observation and judgment, machines are not used
Uses a seismometer to measure the magnitude of an earthquake
Scale of I-XII in Roman numerals
Scale of 1-10
Less accurate and scientific compared the Richter scale
More accurate since it is logarithmic and open ended. (no max value)
Measures the effects of an earthquake
Measures the magnitude of an earthquake
Invented in 1902
Invented in 1935

Look at this link for further info :)

Praveen and Raveena's Earthquake Questions 1 and 2


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tackling Super volcano Exam Questions (2)


Tackling Supervolcano Exam Questions (1)


General Knowledge Challenge-Earthquakes

General Knowledge Challenge: Earthquakes

Tohoku, Japan

March 2011

What plates and why did it happen?
Destructive plates, it happened because the two plates slipped causing a 9.0 magnitude earthquake

What are the impacts/effects?

-Tsunamis occurred
-Fukuoka nuclear plant exploded
-Millions of people died
-Millions of people became homeless
-Millions of dollars worth in damage
-Fukuoka was evacuated and abandoned due to the radiation
- Flora and fauna was devastated and damaged

Earthquake Exam Question Q and A sheet

Earthquake Exam Questions Question/Answer Sheet

What are the three features of an earthquake?

Choose any of the five

Epicenter: The point of the earth’s surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake

Fault Line: A separation/crack between two tectonic plates, an earthquake occur if the plates move against each other.

Focus: The point where the earthquake occurs, they can be divided into shallow and deep focus

Shallow focus: Occurs near the surface of the earth, causes moderate to major damage
Deep focus: Occurs far from the earth’s surface, causes little to no damage

Seismic Waves: Vibrations that travel through the earth due to the cause of earthquakes, these waves can be classified into primary, secondary and surface waves.

What are the primary/secondary effects of an earthquake?

Primary effects
- Natural habitats destroyed by landslides caused by the earthquake
- Homes destroyed or collapsed
- People killed or buried in the rubbles
-  Shops collapsed
- Roads severely damaged or destroyed

Secondary effects
- Loss of habitat, leaving animals homeless
- People will not have any shelter
- Family members of the victim will mourn over their deaths
- Because shops are destroyed, the people will have to face starvation due to the fact that it wont be able to provide food.
- Roads that are severely damage wont be able to be used, limiting the movement of emergency units and emergency supply.

Earthquake Exam Question Mark Scheme

Exam Question Mark Scheme

Point Mark Question (1)

Describe the three features of an earthquake. (3 marks)

1 Mark- 1 valid point of an earthquake feature with some description of the features.

2 Marks- 2 valid points of earthquake features with some description of the        features.

3 Marks- 3 valid points of earthquake features with some description of the features

Level Mark Question

Explain the primary and secondary effects of an earthquake (6 marks)

Command Words: Explain
Key Words: Primary, Secondary Effects, Earthquake

Level 1 (1-2 marks)
Rough ideas on what are the primary and secondary effects.
Does not develop points further (Ex. SEE).
Very little or no use of key terminology are used.
Examples are not used in the answer.
Numerous punctuation, spelling and grammar errors
Readable Text

Level 2 (3-4 marks)
Ideas are clear on what are the primary and secondary effects.
Develops some points into further categories such as social, economic and environmental.
Key terminology is used in most parts of the answer
Some points are also supported with relevant examples.
Some grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.
Text is clear and readable with some structure

Level 3 (5-6 marks)
Excellent ideas on what are primary and secondary effects,
Develops most or all points into further categories such as social, economic and environmental.
Key terminology is vast and is used in all parts of the answer.
Answer is also well supported with relevant examples.
No grammar, spelling or punctuation errors
Well structured, neat text

Earthquake Notes (2)

 Formation and features

When plates fracture/slip they form seismic waves (vibrations) into the ground, these vibrations can be classified into to primary, secondary and surface waves.
Primary waves:
-They are the fastest moving waves
-They can pass through solids, liquids and gases easily
-These waves typically arrive at the surface as an abrupt thud.
Secondary waves:
-They move slower than primary waves,
-Can only pass through solids.
-As S waves move, they displace rock particles outward,. This results in the first period of rolling associated with earthquakes.
-They only travel through solid material, and so are stopped at the liquid layer in the Earth's core.
Surface waves:
-Move along the surface of the Earth.
-Surface waves cause the most damage. They move up and down the surface of the Earth,
-Surface waves are the slowest moving of all waves,. So the most intense shaking usually comes at the end of an earthquake.


Epicenter: The point of the earth’s surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake

Fault Line: A separation/crack between two tectonic plates, an earthquake occur if the plates move against each other.

Focus: The point where the earthquake occurs, they can be divided into shallow and deep focus

Shallow focus: Occurs near the surface of the earth, causes moderate to major damage
Deep focus: Occurs far from the earth’s surface, causes little to no damage

Seismic Waves: Vibrations that travel through the earth due to the cause of earthquakes, these waves can be classified into primary, secondary and surface waves.

How are earthquakes measured?
The ‘strength’ of an earthquake is known as magnitude. Magnitude is a measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured using the Richter scale. A seismometer (machine with an arm that moves with the vibrations of earth) detects the vibrations caused by an earthquake. It plots these vibrations on a seismograph. The Richter scale doesn’t have an upper limit and it is logarithmic. Major earthquakes are above 5. The Mercalli scale is used to indicate the intensity of an earthquake. It classifies the effects of an earthquake on a scale using Roman numerals from I to XII (1 to 12, from rarely ever felt by people to disastrous, with almost total destruction). The number on the scale is obtained by making a judgement and observation, it is not measured by a machine.

The Richter scale is more mathematical, and tells you how much energy was released. However, it is not that good in telling what damage happened. The Mercalli scale tells you the damage that occurred, but is not as scientific, and is subject to people’s views of the event which may differ.

Primary/Secondary effects Of An Earthquake

Primary effects
- Natural habitats destroyed by landslides caused by the earthquake
- Homes destroyed or collapsed
- People killed or buried in the rubbles
-  Shops collapsed
- Roads severely damaged or destroyed

Secondary effects
- Loss of habitat, leaving animals homeless
- People will not have any shelter
- Family members of the victim will mourn over their deaths
- Because shops are destroyed, the people will have to face starvation due to the fact that it wont be able to provide food.
- Roads that are severely damage wont be able to be used, limiting the movement of emergency units and emergency supply.

Earthquake Notes (1)

Earthquakes Notes

What is an earthquake?

An earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often causing damage, loss, injury and death it usually occurs due to the movement of the earth’s crust or volcanic activity.

Where do they occur?
They occur on all forms of plate margins, constructive, destructive, collisional and conservative plate margins with different range of intensities.

     How do earthquakes form?

When plates fracture/slip they form seismic waves (vibrations) into the ground, these vibrations can be classified into to primary, secondary and surface waves.

Primary waves:
-They are the fastest moving waves
-They can pass through solids, liquids and gases easily
-These waves typically arrive at the surface as an abrupt thud.

Secondary waves:
-They move slower than primary waves,
-Can only pass through solids.
-As S waves move, they displace rock particles outward,. This results in the first period of rolling associated with earthquakes.
-They only travel through solid material, and so are stopped at the liquid layer in the Earth's core.

Surface waves:
-Move along the surface of the Earth.
-Surface waves cause the most damage. They move up and down the surface of the Earth,
 -Surface waves are the slowest moving of all waves,. So the most intense shaking usually comes at the end of an earthquake.

Tackling Supervolcano Exam Questions 1,2


Success Criteria (16/2/12) Earthquake Exam Questions

I can create at least one point mark question and at least one level mark question
I can create challenging exam questions
I can communicate  well with my group members

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Success Criteria (13/2/12) Earthquakes Notes

Success Criteria (13/2/12)

  • I can write at least one point mark question and one level mark question
  • I can create good and informative earthquake notes
  • I can keep organized notes on earthquakes

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Success Criteria (9/2/12) Supervolcano Info Booklet

  • I can work together as a group to produce a educational information booklet that has suitable audience and language
  • I can work together in unison with my group members 

Super volcanoes: The Video

Super volcanoes: The Video 
(Watch it here: )

Key Ideas
·      The impact of super volcanoes can be enormous, ranging from a local to a global scale
·      Super volcanoes are rare, they erupt frequency is very low and people always doubt that a super volcano will erupt
·      Super volcanoes have interesting and unique natural features that draw people to look and research
·      Geologists and scientists are constantly doing research to try and pinpoint and predict a super volcano’s eminent eruptions

Key Words
Caldera, Geyser, Seismic Activity, Geothermal, Seismic Meter,  

My Definition/ Actual Definition Of Supervolcanoes

Definitions of super volcanoes

My definition: A volcano that has more destructive power compared to composite and shield volcanoes.

Actual Definition: A volcano that has a huge eruption scale, it erupts at least 1000 km3            of material and can cause destruction from a local to a global stage.