Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Success Criteria (1/12/11) Living Graphs

My Success Criteria (1/12/11)

  • I can link data and events on a living graph
  • I can have another go at an exam question
  • I am able to record what I did today effectively 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Success Criteria (24/11/11) How To Tackle FM exam questions

  • I can understand how to approach exam questions
  • I will understand how the exam questions will be marked

Optional: I can understand a range of human uses of fold mountains

Wallwisher (Fold mountain end of chapter questions)

1. Where are the fold mountains formed? Any near Malaysia?

The fold mountains are formed near collisionary boundaries where the plates move together to force sedimentary rock into fold mountains. There are some fold mountains in Malaysia,  Mount. Kinabalu is a good example.

2. How are they formed?

Firstly, rivers and seas carry sediments into geosynclines. The sediment soon accumulates and is compressed into sedimentary rock like limestone and sandstone. When the plates began moving towards each other they, the sedimentary rock cannot be compressed or destroyed so it is forced upwards forming fold mountains.

3. Do they change over time?

Yes, I predict that they will change over time. As the plates are constantly moving, the fold mountain may rise or change shape

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Success Criteria (21/11/11) FM exam questions

Success Criteria (21/11/11)

*I can tackle timed exam questions on FM easily
* I can describe/explain the formation of physical features in FM ranges
Sample exam questions 

1. Describe three physical features which form as a result of fold mountain ranges (3 marks)
  • - U shaped valleys, a valley that shaped like a U
  • - Pyramidal Peaks, a peak with a sharp pyramidal shaped top
  • -synclines and anti synclines, synclines are up folds and anti synclines are down folds
Suggested answer

U shaped valley, a valley that has been eroded by glacial activity with smooth deep and steep sides
Pyramidal peaks, a pyramid shaped peak that has sharp and steep sides
Synclines and anti synclines, they are folds either upwards or downwards that are formed when collisional plates form fold mountains

2. Explain the formation of a U shaped valley (6 marks) 
Firstly, glacial from higher regions from fold mountains starts moving down into the V shaped valley. While the glacier is moving downwards, it erodes and smoothens the sides on the V shaped valley into a "U" shape valley.Sometimes hanging valleys are formed and waterfalls occur when rivers and streams rush over the hanging valley.

4 marks! *Needs more explanation and add more features

Suggested answer
  1. Glacial flows in a earlier V shaped valley
  2. Glacier erodes the sides and floor of the valley
  3. Valley is greatly straighten, deepened and widened
  4. When the ice melts it becomes U shaped
  5. It will have very steep sides and a fairly flat floor

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Peer Assesment

We were supposed to review Presentation A,B,C

Formation & Human Use of Fold Mountains
Peer Assessment

To help you produce your presentation on the ‘Formation & Human Use’ of your case study you must first mark three presentations done by learners from another school.

You need to look at each presentation carefully and give a mark from 1-5 (1= poor, 5 = excellent) according to the categories.  You must include a written comment on how to improve and be able to justify your reasons during class discussion.

Presentation A
How To Improve
Presentation of slides and quality of photographs, diagrams and writing.

Slides were messy and pictures overlapped information. Very few key terminology was used and too much extra information was included.

How to improve
ü Use more pictures and make the pictures clear and understandable.
ü Use more key terminology
ü Bullet point information, and only use key points.
ü Keep slides tidy and organized to make information more presentable
The description and explanation of the formation of the Alps

Information was lacking, only the name and types of plates were described. Formation, features and processes were not included. Pictures were lacking

How to improve
ü Describe the formation, features and processes of the Alps
ü Include pictures and diagram to aid with the learning process
The description and explanation of theme e.g. vegetation, HEP or Tourism

The species of vegetation and the climate of the alps were mentioned but human use was not mentioned. Information was over excessive and made presentation look dull and boring.

How to improve
ü Include human uses for the Alps.
ü Cut down the information on the slides to just important points

Presentation B

How To Improve
Presentation of slides and quality of photographs, diagrams and writing.

Information was clear and understandable. More key terms have been used and information is summarized. Pictures are clear and understandable. Presentation was slightly boring with just black and white

How to improve
ü Introduce colour to the presentation to make the presentation look better
The description and explanation of the formation of the Alps

The formation and plates names and types were included. Formation and processes were there but not described in full detail. Pictures were clear but lacking

How to improve
ü Divide the formation into stages, it makes it easier
ü Add more pictures for better understanding.
The description and explanation of theme e.g. vegetation, HEP or Tourism

Vegetation and human uses were totally not explained about. Pictures lacked and information was not entirely relevant.

How to improve
ü Explain and add pictures to explain plant species and human use
ü Rewrite information on HEP and add more relevant pictures

Presentation C
How To Improve
Presentation of slides and quality of photographs, diagrams and writing.

Slides were OK, there was a good supply of photos but lacks information

How to improve
ü Add more information to slides
ü Generally lacks information and needs to be revised
The description and explanation of the formation of the Alps

Pictures and animations are helpful but again lacks information needed. Processes, features and formations were not fully described.

How to improve
ü Add more information to the slides
ü Include the formation, features and processes of the Alps
ü Have a good balance of pictures and information
The description and explanation of theme e.g. vegetation, HEP or Tourism

No information whatsoever. Pictures don’t help in describing.

How to improve
ü Add information!
ü Needs serious revision

To help with my presentation my group & I need to:

1) Ensure a well-balanced amount of pictures and information

2) Have understandable and clear pictures and diagrams

4) Include any processes, features and formation that may be relevant

5) Keep slides tidy and organized, to ensure easy understanding

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Humans and fold mountains

Humans and fold mounatains

What is a hazard?

A hazard is a danger/risk

What dangers do humans face when living in fold mountains?

-Rocks slides/avalanches

-Steep, narrow windy roads-

Sub freezing temperatures

- High altitudes

-Lack of oxygen

-Poor growing conditions

Why do people continue living in a hazardous area,such as fold mountains?

Because either they have no choice due to financial,ethical or racial reasons or because they are adapted to the conditions.


- Good tourist destination

- Privacy

- Mining


-HEP (Hydroeletric power plants) can be placed there

-Many sources of income


- No communications to the outside world

- Hazardous weather and conditions

- Little of no jobs are available, and they are low paid

- Few plant/animal species can survive in the higher climates

-Tourism makes the place dirty,noisy and more dangerous

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All about notes

Notes are a important tool in studying, and taking good ones need practice

Success Criteria (10/11/11) Features Of FM

Learning Intention

To learn and understand one of the key features of Fold Mountains
To produce an informative and interesting slide for learning purposes

Success Criteria

I can understand the key features of Fold Mountains
I can produce an informative an interesting slide to teach other learners.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Success Criteria (3/11/2011) Features Of FM

Today i am going to learn...

1. Physical features of fold mountains
2. Key terms used to describe and explain fold mountains and it's features

At the end of the lesson I am able to...

1. Name and understand 2 or more physical features about fold mountains.
2. Understand and appropriately use key terms learnt today