Monday, September 19, 2011

Layers Of The Earth ( Note Form)

  • Unfortunately, I cannot post my mind map here, so this is the note form

  • Layers Of The Earth
    • The Core
      • Thickness: 2900km
      • Made up of two layers: Inner and Outer
      • Dense ball of iron and nickel
      • Rotation of inner core round the outer core causes magnetism.
      • 1/3 of earth's mass, 1/6 of earth's volume
      • Convection currents happens here when current is heated by core and rises to the crust, when it rises to the crust, it cools and falls, then the cycle repeats
    • The Crust
      • Two types of crust: Continental/Oceanic
      • Contains substances and minerals within
      • 1/250 of the earth's mass
      • Has tectonic plates within the crust
        • If tectonic plates touch, earthquakes happen
      • Made up of rock and loose material
    • The Mantle
      • Has two layers inner and outer
      • Function is to separate them
      • About 2/3 earth's mass, 5/6 of the earth's volume
      • Distance: 2900 km thick  Average Temp: 3000'C
    • Outer Core
      • Temp:4000-5000 C
      • contains iron, nickel and 10% sulphur and oxygen
      • The inner core rotation around it causes the earth's magnetism.
      • 2890km-5150km from surface
    • Outer Mantle
      • Thinner than inner mantle
      • Thickness: 10km-300km
      • Temp: 1400-3000
      • Made up of tough liquid rock with different densities ( made up of iron/magnesium silicates)
    • Inner Core
      • Distance from surface is 5150km-6370km
      • About 5000-6000 C 
      • Consists of iron, nickel and a few other elements
      • High pressures makes it a solid
      • Rotation round the outer core causes the earth's magnetism 
    • Inner Mantle
      • Thickness is 300km-2890km
      • Average temp of 3000
      • Made up of solid rock due to high pressure and temp.
      • contains sulphides and oxides of silicon and magnesium

Reflections-Layers Of The Earth

For our first mini assignment, we were asked to do a presentation on why the earth is similar to a bowl of trifle. I was paired up with Douglas and we decided to do a powerpoint presentation. We found information off the internet and put together a powerpoint and showed it to the class, explaining each slide along the way. The response was fairly good, saying that the powerpoint was informative with diagrams and pictures to back it up.

In my opinion, I think we did a fairly good job at presenting our information, although i think we could have used voiceovers or added movies to the presentation would have spiced up the presentation even more. This way we could attract the viewer's attentions and enable them to recall the info with ease. Also Miss Claire suggested that different colors  in slides or words should be used to reinforce what the presentation is about as colors evoke thought and enables better memory retention.

In Ming Yong's and Fadley's presentation, I liked the movie that was also put into the slide. It helped recapped what was in the presentation such as the the components of the layers. Although info was slightly lacking, it was a excellently well put presentation and I would defiantly use the movie idea for my next presentation.

In Praveen and Dimas's presentation, I liked the voiceover parts of the iMovie as it felt like it was some sort of documentary on the National Geographic Channel. Although, diagrams and pictures were not very plentiful in the presentation, it was filled with a lot of info on the layers on the earth. If I were to improve my presentation, I would use the voiceover concept plus extracting the various bits of info from their presentation.

I enjoyed this mini assignment as it showed us the creativity of other people and how we can learn from them to make ours better. Also, it has taught us teamwork and to appreciate what other have done.

Ng Wi Kiat

Physical/Human Geography

Physical geography means the branch of geography that deals with natural features and processes

Human geography means the study of how human activity affects or is influenced by the earth's surface.

Geography means  study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries